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This package provides the styled() function. You can call it using a pdf-* tag name or your own component that passes through the style prop onto a pdf-* element.

One good use of this API is to provide themeable components using ThemeContext.

Basic usage

/// <reference types="react-pdfmake-reconciler/react-jsx" />
import { FC, ReactNode } from "react";
import { styled } from "react-pdfmake-reconciler";
import { StyleReference } from "pdfmake/interfaces";
const Text = styled("pdf-text")({
color: "#f00",
// Define additional props for styling.
// isSuccess can leak into pdfmake output structure here
const StatusText = styled(Text)<{ isSuccess: boolean }>((props) => ({
color: props.isSuccess ? "#0f0" : "#f00",
// Set display name for styled components to find them easily in React Dev Tools
StatusText.displayName = "StatusText";
// When the underlying component controls what props goes into the vDOM,
// it can prevent styled props from polluting the output.
const SafeText: FC<{ style?: StyleReference; children?: ReactNode }> = ({
}) => <pdf-text style={style}>{children}</pdf-text>;
const StyledSafeText = styled(SafeText)<{ isSuccess: boolean }>((props) => ({
color: props.isSuccess ? "#0f0" : "#f00",
const pdfNode = (
<StatusText isSuccess>World!</StatusText>
<StyledSafeText isSuccess>World!</StyledSafeText>
/// <reference types="react-pdfmake-reconciler/react-jsx" />
import { FC, ReactNode } from "react";
import { styled } from "react-pdfmake-reconciler";
import { StyleReference } from "pdfmake/interfaces";
const Text = styled("pdf-text")({
color: "#f00",
// Define additional props for styling.
// isSuccess can leak into pdfmake output structure here
const StatusText = styled(Text)<{ isSuccess: boolean }>((props) => ({
color: props.isSuccess ? "#0f0" : "#f00",
// Set display name for styled components to find them easily in React Dev Tools
StatusText.displayName = "StatusText";
// When the underlying component controls what props goes into the vDOM,
// it can prevent styled props from polluting the output.
const SafeText: FC<{ style?: StyleReference; children?: ReactNode }> = ({
}) => <pdf-text style={style}>{children}</pdf-text>;
const StyledSafeText = styled(SafeText)<{ isSuccess: boolean }>((props) => ({
color: props.isSuccess ? "#0f0" : "#f00",
const pdfNode = (
<StatusText isSuccess>World!</StatusText>
<StyledSafeText isSuccess>World!</StyledSafeText>


Override DefaultTheme from the package to provide your own theme structure and access it in the styled function.

/// <reference types="react-pdfmake-reconciler/react-jsx" />
import { FC, ReactNode } from "react";
import { styled, ThemeProvider } from "react-pdfmake-reconciler";
import { StyleReference } from "pdfmake/interfaces";
declare module "react-pdfmake-reconciler" {
interface DefaultTheme {
/** My primary color */
primaryColor: string;
const Text = styled("pdf-text")((props, theme) => ({
color: theme.primaryColor,
const pdfNode = (
primaryColor: "#f00",
/// <reference types="react-pdfmake-reconciler/react-jsx" />
import { FC, ReactNode } from "react";
import { styled, ThemeProvider } from "react-pdfmake-reconciler";
import { StyleReference } from "pdfmake/interfaces";
declare module "react-pdfmake-reconciler" {
interface DefaultTheme {
/** My primary color */
primaryColor: string;
const Text = styled("pdf-text")((props, theme) => ({
color: theme.primaryColor,
const pdfNode = (
primaryColor: "#f00",